Feel free to contact us with any questions or feedback. We'll get back to you as soon as we can.
(Your email address will never be sold or passed on to any third party.)

New Patients

Ready to Book an Appointment?

There are few ways to do this:



Appointment Times

We are open from 7:30am to 7:30pm most days. Your first appointment will last up to an hour. After that, your appointments will last up to half an hour.

What to bring to the first appointment

If you are not able to recieve a digital copy of our patient registration form, download a copy here, fill it in, print it, sign it and bring it to your first appointment.

Bring along any information you think is relevant. Results of MRI or CT scans and X-rays are particularly helpful if you have them.

If your problem is related to your lower back, hip or legs, please bring a pair of shorts. Ladies, if your problems involved your head, neck, shoulders or upper back, please bring along a vest/strap top.

If you have a sports injury, we’d like to see the training/running shoes you regularly use.

If you are like most of our patients and are self-funding...

We offer discounts on appointment packages if you are paying for your own treatment. This can be discussed with your physio after your initial assessment when we know what kind of rehab programme is best for you.

If you are going to be using medical insurance...

We are recognised by all the leading insurance companies including Axa, Vitality, Bupa etc. Please contact us for the relevant provider number.

Most insurance companies want you to get authorisation before your treatment starts. If you are with a local, approved insurance company and you can supply us with all the relevant information (such as policy and authorisation numbers) we can submit the claim directly to your insurer.

If you dont all have these details on the day, we ask that you settle the account with us and submit the receipt to your insurer.

Please ask your insurer if there is an excess on your policy. If there is, you’ll need to settle that with us.

As a practice, we are recognised by all the leading medical insurance companies including Bupa and Axa PPP. Please contact us if you need our provider numbers. 

Changing Your Appointment

We’re happy to change or cancel an appointment with no charge – as long as you give us 24-hours notice.

Where to find us

Chartered Society of Physiotherapy logo Health and Care Professions Council logo

bupa logo axa ppp healthcare logo aviva logo cigna logo cigna logo aviva logo aviva logo
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