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Coronavirus - What we are doing

Providing Effective Physiotherapy Post Lockdown

First and foremost, the health and wellbeing of our Patients and Team is of fundamental importance to us. We are therefore taking every precaution necessary to ensure that our Practice is a safe place for us to work in and for you to be treated in.

Below you will find just a few of the many actions we have have taken to enhance our already thorough infection control processes.

You can help us by heeding government advice...

Current Government and NHS Advice

Please do not attend your appointment if:

  • You have a temperature or are experiencing a new persistent cough
  • You have been in close contact with someone who has been diagnosed with cornovirus

Please call us to rearrange your appointment.

Actions and precautions we are taking

In addition to requesting our patients act on the above advice, we are taking a number of precautions in order to safeguard our patients and team. 

In addition to our already stringent hygiene and infection control procedures, some of the infection control actions we are taking include:

  • Staggering appointment times and allowing for buffer time between our appointments to reduce social interactions
  • Social distancing signage and reminders throughout the Practice
  • Removing magazines and the water cooler from our reception area
  • Using face masks and aprons wherever necessary 
  • Thoroughly cleaning and alcohol wiping all necessary surfaces before each and every appointment 
  • Providing alcohol hand rub to all patients on arrival
  • Intensifying the daily cleaning programme
  • Changing our equipment use policies 
  • Increasing our usage of disposable items 

We have briefed all our Team to be aware of the symptoms (and instructed all our Team to check their tempratures before each working shift), what to do in the event of anyone showing symptoms and how to minimise the risks of contracting the virus.

Rest assured that the health and wellbeing of all our patients and team is our primary concern.

We will continue to monitor the situation and take all necessary precautions to safeguard our patients. 

If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to call us. 

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